• info@castf.org


Any adult who is over 18 years old, living in Finland and complies to the association’s articles can apply to join the association. Association accepts membership application also from companies and organizations. People living in other countries can be granted honour membership, coordinator and chairperson positions.

Member’s rights and responsibilities

Members should promote and participate the activities organised by the association actively. All the members should pay the membership fee on time. Members do not pay for the membership fee do not have rights to vote or be elected. When withdrawing from the association, the application needs to be handed in before the deadline of paying the annual membership fee. If handed in after the deadline, the person still needs to pay for the next year’s membership fee.

Out of objective reasons, if one cannot complete the membership fee payment, and does not inform the association about the reasons, the membership will be frozen. A frozen membership does not have rights to vote or to be elected, either does one can enjoy the membership perks in the association’s activities. By paying for the membership fee, one can de-frozen the membership.

If the member is deemed not to comply the articles of the association, or the behaviour has damaged the association’s interest, or due to legal or association articles’ demand, the member can no longer stay in the association, the membership will be cancelled by the board, and effect immediately. The de-membered person can reclaim and re-apply for the membership in written form within one month after the decision made. The board will discuss the matter in the latest board meeting and make a decision.

Membership fees and dues

All the members including individuals, corporations or organizations shall pay annual membership dues to the Association. The committee shall determine the amount of such dues. The membership year starts the 1st January and ends the 31st December of the same year. Note that if you join after November 1st, your membership will expire on the 31st December of the next year.


Click here to register as a member of CASTF.